Insurances Required When Buying a Property in QLD 2024: Mortgage Insurance, Title Insurance, Home and Contents, Landlord, Body Corporate. Missing this could cost you thousands!

Buying a property is a significant milestone, but it comes with various risks. To safeguard your investment and protect yourself financially, it’s crucial to have the right insurances in place. In Queensland (QLD), there are several insurances you should consider when purchasing a property. This article will explore the essential insurances required when buying a property in QLD, including mortgage insurance, title insurance, home and contents insurance, landlord insurance, and body corporate insurance.

Understanding Property Insurance

When purchasing a property, it’s essential to understand the concept of property insurance and the specific insurances relevant to your situation. Property insurance is designed to provide financial protection against potential risks associated with owning a property. In QLD, where property ownership is a significant investment, having the right insurances is crucial.

Mortgage Insurance

Definition and Purpose of Mortgage Insurance

Mortgage insurance, also known as Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI), protects lenders when borrowers have a small deposit (less than 20% of the property’s value). It acts as a safety net for lenders, mitigating the risk of financial loss if the borrower defaults on their mortgage payments.

How Mortgage Insurance Protects Lenders and Borrowers

Mortgage insurance provides lenders with a guarantee that they will be reimbursed for their losses if a borrower defaults. This allows lenders to provide loans with a smaller deposit requirement, enabling more people to enter the property market. Additionally, it offers borrowers the opportunity to secure a loan without a large upfront deposit.

Factors Influencing Mortgage Insurance Premiums

The cost of mortgage insurance is influenced by several factors, including the loan amount, loan-to-value ratio (LVR), the borrower’s credit history, and the type of property being purchased. Typically, the higher the LVR, the higher the insurance premium.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Mortgage Insurance

Mortgage insurance allows borrowers to enter the property market with a smaller deposit, increasing their chances of homeownership. However, it primarily benefits the lender, as it protects them from financial loss. Borrowers should consider the drawbacks, such as the additional cost of premiums and the fact that the insurance coverage does not protect them directly.

Title Insurance

Understanding Title Insurance and Its Significance

Title insurance is a form of protection that safeguards property owners and lenders against potential legal and financial issues related to the property’s title. It ensures that the property’s title is free from defects, encumbrances, and unforeseen claims.

Coverage Provided by Title Insurance

Title insurance covers various risks, including undisclosed liens, fraudulent transfers, boundary disputes, errors in public records, and claims from unknown heirs or previous owners.

Common Issues Title Insurance Protects Against

Title insurance protects against issues such as forgery in the title documents, unpaid property taxes, easements impacting property use, and mistakes in the title search process.

Benefits of Having Title Insurance in QLD

Title insurance provides financial protection against unforeseen claims or defects in the property’s title. It also handles legal issues and disputes related to the title, offering peace of mind for property owners.

Home and Contents Insurance

Importance of Home and Contents Insurance

Home and contents insurance is crucial for homeowners in QLD as it provides protection against unexpected events that may damage or destroy their property or possessions. It covers the structure of the home and the belongings within it.

Coverage Provided by Home and Contents Insurance

Home and contents insurance typically covers damage or loss caused by fire, storms, natural disasters, theft, accidental damage, liability coverage for injuries on the property, and additional living expenses if the home becomes temporarily uninhabitable.

Factors Influencing Home and Contents Insurance Premiums

The cost of home and contents insurance can vary based on the property’s location, value, level of coverage, the homeowner’s claims history, and implemented security features.

How Home and Contents Insurance Protects Homeowners

Home and contents insurance provides financial protection by covering repair or rebuilding costs in case of damage. It also compensates for stolen or damaged belongings, giving homeowners peace of mind.

Landlord Insurance

Need for Landlord Insurance

If you’re purchasing a property with the intention of renting it out, landlord insurance is essential. It covers risks specifically associated with renting out a property.

Coverage Provided by Landlord Insurance

Landlord insurance typically includes coverage for loss of rental income due to tenant default, damage caused by tenants, public liability coverage, legal expenses, theft, and malicious damage.

Benefits of Landlord Insurance

Having landlord insurance protects your investment and minimizes financial risks associated with rental properties. It ensures you have the necessary support in case of unexpected incidents or tenant-related issues.

Body Corporate Insurance

What is Body Corporate Insurance?

Body corporate insurance, also known as strata insurance, covers shared areas and common property within strata-titled properties. It provides protection for property owners who are part of a body corporate or owners’ corporation.

Importance of Body Corporate Insurance for Shared Properties

In shared properties like apartment complexes or townhouses, body corporate insurance is essential. It covers risks associated with shared areas, including common spaces, building exteriors, and infrastructure.

Coverage Provided by Body Corporate Insurance

Body corporate insurance typically covers building and structural damage, public liability, common property contents, and loss of rent if the property becomes uninhabitable due to damage in shared areas.

Choosing the Right Insurances

When buying a property in QLD, it’s essential to choose the right insurances to protect your investment adequately. Consider factors like property type, financial considerations, policy terms, and consulting insurance professionals. Assessing your needs and selecting reputable insurance providers can safeguard your property and finances.


Purchasing a property in QLD involves various financial responsibilities and risks. To mitigate these risks and protect your investment, it’s crucial to understand and secure the necessary insurances. Mortgage insurance, title insurance, home and contents insurance, landlord insurance, and body corporate insurance each serve different purposes and offer specific coverage to address potential risks.

By carefully assessing your needs, understanding the coverage provided by each insurance type, and selecting reputable insurance providers, you can safeguard your property and enjoy peace of mind.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. Is mortgage insurance mandatory in QLD?
    • Mortgage insurance is generally required for borrowers with less than a 20% deposit.
  2. What does title insurance cover that a regular title search doesn’t?
    • Title insurance covers issues like fraud, forgery, and undiscovered liens that may not be found in a regular title search.
  3. Can I bundle home and contents insurance together?
    • Yes, many insurance providers offer combined home and contents insurance policies.
  4. Do I need landlord insurance if I have a property manager?
    • Yes, landlord insurance is necessary as property managers focus on tenant-related matters, not property damage or loss of rental income.
  5. Is body corporate insurance the same as strata insurance?
    • Yes, body corporate insurance and strata insurance are interchangeable terms.
  6. Does the seller pass on the insurance to the buyer?
    • The transfer of insurance depends on the terms outlined in the contract of sale.
  7. Is insurance included in the sale price of a property?
    • Insurance costs are typically not included in the sale price and must be arranged separately by the buyer.
  8. Are insurances a one-time payment?
    • Insurance premiums can vary in payment terms, with options for annual, monthly, or quarterly payments.

This is general advice only. For specific legal advice, contact your legal representative or solicitor.