Understanding Privacy in Queensland Property Transactions

When engaging in property transactions in Queensland, questions about privacy and the disclosure of purchase details often arise. Many wonder if it’s possible to conceal the purchase price or their personal ownership details from public records. This article will explore the regulations, processes, and options available for maintaining a degree of privacy when buying property.

Disclosure Regulations in Queensland

In Queensland, property transactions are subject to specific disclosure regulations governed by governmental bodies. According to the Department of Resources (DOR), the sale price of a property must be disclosed as mandated by the Land Valuation Act 2010. This ensures transparency and aids in preventing property fraud while facilitating informed decisions for all parties involved.

Role of the Department of Resources

The DOR is responsible for keeping accurate records of property transactions. These records are crucial for multiple purposes including the prevention of fraud and aiding both buyers and sellers in making informed decisions.

Applying for Suppression of Personal Information

While the sale price itself cannot be hidden, individuals have the right to apply for a Suppression Direction concerning their personal information. This process involves submitting an application to the Valuer-General to have personal details like names and addresses omitted from publicly accessible records.

Licensing and Data Access

The DOR issues licenses to commercial information brokers like CoreLogic RPData, allowing them access to property valuation and sales data. These brokers can distribute this information within the real estate industry under strict contractual terms, ensuring privacy measures are respected.

Impacting Personal Privacy

Property owners can request that their names and service addresses be omitted from the databases of commercial data brokers, thus enhancing their privacy but without affecting the visibility of the sale price.

Submission Process for Suppression

Individuals interested in suppressing their personal information can do so by filling out approved forms from the DOR, accompanied by a statutory declaration that outlines their reasons for the request.

Direct Engagement with Data Brokers

Property owners may also contact data brokers directly to request the removal of their sale prices from records, although this is subject to the brokers’ compliance policies.


Complete anonymity in property transactions may not be feasible, but Queensland offers mechanisms to protect personal information to some extent. Understanding these options helps property buyers and sellers navigate their transactions with greater control over their privacy.


  1. Can I completely hide my property’s sale price?
    • No, the sale price must be disclosed in official records, but you can request to suppress your personal contact information from commercial records.
  2. How long does it typically take to process a suppression request?
    • The time varies based on the department’s workload and the complexity of the request.
  3. Does suppressing my information affect the resale value of my property?
    • Suppressing personal information does not typically impact the property’s market value or resale process.
  4. What exceptions exist to these disclosure rules?
    • Disclosure rules are strict, but certain legal exceptions might apply under specific circumstances.
  5. What can I do if my suppression request is denied?
    • You have the right to appeal against the decision following the prescribed legal procedures.

For further guidance or to initiate a suppression request, visit the Department of Resources or access the Application for Suppression Form.

This article provides general advice. For specific legal queries, consult a professional legal representative or conveyancer.