Settlement Day in QLD: A Guide to the Residential Conveyancing Process

Embarking on the journey of buying a house can be both thrilling and daunting, especially for first-time buyers. Among the pivotal stages of this process is settlement day, which marks the legal transfer of property ownership. While settlement day can induce stress, adequate preparation can ensure a smooth experience. In this article, we offer a comprehensive overview of what to anticipate on settlement day in QLD during the residential conveyancing process.

Understanding Conveyancing

Conveyancing constitutes the legal process of transferring property ownership from one party to another. This process typically encompasses two primary stages: the exchange of contracts and settlement.

Exchange of Contracts

The exchange of contracts occurs when both the buyer and seller agree to the terms of the sale and sign the contract. Once contracts are exchanged, both parties are legally bound to proceed with the transaction.


Settlement represents the final stage of the conveyancing process. It is the day when the buyer settles the remaining balance of the purchase price to the seller, effectuating the legal transfer of property ownership.

Expectations on Settlement Day

Though settlement day may provoke anxiety, adequate preparation and professional guidance can ensure a seamless process. Here’s what to anticipate on settlement day in QLD during the residential conveyancing process:

  1. Final Inspection
  2. Before settlement, the buyer is entitled to conduct a final inspection of the property to verify its condition matches the agreed-upon terms. Any identified issues should be promptly communicated to the seller’s conveyancer.
  3. Payment of Balance
  4. On settlement day, the buyer is responsible for remitting the outstanding balance of the purchase price to the seller’s conveyancer. This payment is typically facilitated through electronic funds transfer (EFT) or a bank cheque. The conveyancer verifies the receipt of funds and oversees the exchange of necessary documents between parties, culminating in the official transfer of property ownership. It’s crucial to ensure all financial arrangements are in place beforehand to avoid penalties or legal repercussions.
  5. Document Transfer to Buyer
  6. Upon payment, the seller’s conveyancer hands over pertinent documents, including the transfer, Form 24, and release of mortgage if applicable, to the buyer.
  7. Key Collection
  8. Following document exchange and payment, the property is considered settled. The conveyancers notify the client of the settlement and formalize the release of keys to the buyer through the real estate agent or property manager.
  9. Lodgment of Documents
  10. Post-settlement, the conveyancer initiates the transfer of property into the buyer’s name by lodging necessary documents with relevant government authorities, such as the Land Titles Office. The transfer process typically takes a few weeks to finalize.

In addition to the transfer process, the buyer must fulfill tasks like notifying authorities of ownership changes and updating contact details with relevant parties.

Since the introduction of e-Conveyancing (PEXA) mandate in QLD on February 20, 2023, processes like balance payment, document exchange, and lodging are conducted online, expediting property ownership transfer and payment clearance.

Final Paperwork

Upon completion of all formalities and document lodgments, the conveyancing process concludes. The conveyancer furnishes the buyer with final documents, including a trust statement, tax invoice, settlement statement, and adjustments.

After settlement, the buyer assumes legal responsibility for various charges and obligations associated with the property, such as mortgage payments, insurance, rates, and maintenance. It’s imperative to promptly address any outstanding charges to avoid penalties.

This article offers general guidance. For specific legal advice, seek counsel from a legal professional.


  1. Q: How long does the conveyancing process typically take in QLD?
  2. A: The duration of the conveyancing process can vary based on factors such as the complexity of the transaction and the efficiency of the parties involved. On average, it can take between 4 to 12 weeks from the exchange of contracts to settlement.
  3. Q: What documents do I need to provide for the conveyancing process in QLD?
  4. A: As a buyer or seller, you’ll need to provide various documents, including identification, property titles, contracts of sale, and any relevant certificates or disclosures. Your conveyancer will guide you through the specific documentation required for your transaction.
  5. Q: Are there any additional costs associated with settlement day in QLD?
  6. A: While the primary cost on settlement day is the balance of the purchase price, there may be additional expenses such as conveyancing fees, government charges, and property inspection costs. Your conveyancer will provide a breakdown of all expenses involved.
  7. Q: What happens if there are issues identified during the final property inspection?
  8. A: If issues are identified during the final inspection, it’s essential to notify the seller’s conveyancer promptly. Depending on the nature of the issues, negotiations may ensue to resolve them before settlement. In some cases, adjustments to the purchase price or contractual terms may be necessary.
  9. Q: Can I attend settlement day in person, or can it be done remotely?
  10. A: Settlement day can be conducted either in person or remotely, depending on the preferences of the parties involved and the facilitation capabilities of the conveyancers. With the advent of e-Conveyancing (PEXA), many settlements are now conducted online, offering convenience and efficiency to all parties.